The women at WISH appreciate it when the newsletter comes out and we keep trying to build up their involvement in it by encouraging everyone and anyone to submit to it. Doing this has really built up my leadership skills because I have to gently remind people and try to make it fun for them to get involved.
I have found doing this Newsletter to be very rewarding. It gets me out in the community, it gets me interacting with a lot of people and I have really enjoyed the process and producing the final product. The Layout and Design part is actually what I enjoy the most since I am an artist and love creating things.
I think doing the WISH newsletter has been a confidence builder for a lot of the women at WISH but particularly it has been for myself. Not only did I learn how to produce a newsletter through trial and error but I also greatly improved my leadership and management skills and had a lot of fun at the same time.
May 19, 2004