The Women’s Advisory Group was started so that women using the services of WISH could have a voice in the organization. WISH was looking for a way to tap in to the thoughts and experience of women who used the Drop In. The WAG was seen as a critical component of the organization’s vision for self-governance and a place where women could develop leadership and decision-making skills. The Learning Centre seemed the obvious place to start these meetings.
Over the years, we experimented with different formats and locations for the WAG meetings because we wanted everyone at WISH to feel comfortable participating. Initially, the meetings were held in the WISH Learning Centre and facilitated by literacy staff. But because the WISH Learning Centre room can only hold about 20 women, we also tried holding the WAG meeting in the church gym for several months (The WISH Drop In is held in a section of the First United Church, six nights a week.) On WAG nights, dinner was served in the gym and the meeting started right away. This served to publicize both the existence and purpose of WAG and increased participation. The meetings were chaotic, but fruitful!
Some women complained about this arrangement because it meant that the main Drop-In room (the room with the couches, make-up and television) was not opened until the meeting ended. Some women needed to rest, or use the make-up and shower services in order to get ready for work. After several months of using the gym, the WAG decided to return to the Learning Centre and invited everyone to keep coming.