Netscape Communicator 4


Before installing Netscape Communicator, you should make sure that you have the following:
  • A 386sx or better PC with a minimum of 16 megabytes of RAM and Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT. For the purposes of this manual, it will be assumed that the operating system is Windows 95.
  • A minimum of 20 megabytes of hard drive space.
  • If you are installing from a CD, you will require a CD-ROM drive.
  • If you wish to use Communicators Conference component, you will require a 486 or better PC, a full duplex sound card, speakers and a microphone.
  • A connection to the Internet. This can be either hard wired or a dial up connection through an ISP. If your connection to the Internet is through an ISP, you will require a modem. Although a 14.4 modem is acceptable for most applications, you will find it to be painfully slow during peak hours or when accessing graphics and video clips. The general rule is "the faster, the better".
  • For instructions on installing Communicator, see the software documentation.

Running Communicator 4

The first time that you launch Communicator, it runs a wizard that allows the user to enter essential configuration information. A Wizard is a specialized application that runs under Windows 95 that aids in the setup of various tasks. The wizard will ask the user for information that will set up a "profile"for that user, including items such as the users Email address. Many users, each with a different E-mail address, can use the same computer. However, they will each have their own user profile. Before running Communicator, you should have the following information available. However, it can be entered or change later.
  • Your E-mail address
  • The username you will use to access your E-mail. If you are using an ISP, it will most likely be the same as your regular login name.
  • Your E-mail password
  • The address of your outgoing mail server. It is also known as a SMTP server.
  • The address of your incoming mail server. This is usually the same as your outgoing mail server.
  • Whether your incoming mail server uses POP3 or IMAP4 protocol. If you are using an ISP, it is most likely POP3.

Most of the above information will be provided to you by your network administrator or your ISP.

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