Tips On Using The "Net"

At one time, the Internet was often referred to as the superhighway. It is now more like Metro Toronto at rush hour. As more and more users get on the Internet, the servers become overloaded and the "backbone" becomes crowded. Several steps can be taken to avoid traffic jams and to avoid creating them.
  • connect during non peak hours. If you are using the Internet for business purposes, this may not always be possible. However, as a general rule, you will find that the Internet seems to be quicker, in the Southwestern Ontario area, before noon and after 8:00 PM. This does not mean that you cannot use it during other hours, just that it will most likely be slower.
  • You may get a "unable to connect with host" message. This generally means that the server you are trying to connect to is too busy to accept another connection. Wait a while and try again. Continually trying to connect only adds to the congestion problem.
  • Be sure that you log off properly when you are finished. Failure to due so means that you are taking up a connection that someone else may need.
  • Work off line if possible. E-mail messages may be created before connecting to the Internet. Once connected, several or all of your e-mail for an entire day, may be sent in a few seconds rather than taking up an hour of on line time.
  • Don't be afraid to explore. One of the fastest ways to become comfortable with using the Internet is to connect and browse around. However, try to confine this "playing" to off peak hours.

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