Message Center

The message center is another shared resource, as it is used by both Messenger and Collabra. This manual will not be addressing the use of Collabra, but subsequent publications may. The message center is an organized storage system for all your E-mail messages. The Message Center may be accessed from the "Communicator" menu or by pressing Ctrl+shift+ 1. The Message Center will be displayed as shown in figure 2-13.
Figure 2-13

Figure 2-13

You will notice that the main window of the Message Center displays a graphical representation of filing hierarchy. Figure 2-13 indicates that I have 8 messages in my Inbox, 22 sent messages that I have stored and 31 messages in the trash. This is very handy if I had inadvertently deleted an important E-mail message and wanted to retrieve it. If the user were to double click on a particular folder, the contents of that folder would be displayed. Figure 2-14 below shows the result of double clicking on my "Trash" folder. All the messages in the Trash folder may now be accessed. You will notice that the general appearance of the window is similar to all the other windows that have been opened. This adds to the ease to which the user can adapt to the various modules of Communicator. The features of this window will be more closely examined in the section, "Netscape Messenger", later in this manual.

Figure 2-14

Figure 2-14

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