
The toolbars that will be addressed are the three horizontal bars with buttons, located below the menu. You will notice a tab to the left of each toolbar that has a down arrow on it. If you find that you do not use a particular toolbar, you can hide it by clicking on the tab to the left. If you wish, you can hide all three toolbars. In this case, your display would look like Figure 5-2. To redisplay the toolbar(s), click on the appropriate tab again.
Figure 5-2

Figure 5-2

For ease of discussion, it is necessary to name the toolbars. The toolbar located at the top, with the large icons, will be called the Command Toolbar. The next one down, with the Bookmarks button, is the Location Toolbar, with the one at the bottom being the Personal Toolbar.

Command Toolbar

The Command Toolbar will give you access to Navigator's most common functions. The function of these buttons are listed below, starting from the left.

Back and Forward Buttons

Clicking these buttons will allow the user to cycle through the documents that they have already viewed. By clicking the back button, you can revisit these documents, in reverse order. You can then retrace your path by using the Forward button.

Reload Button

When the Reload button is selected, the current document is reloaded from the Internet. This is useful if you had stopped the loading of a page for some reason or if the loading of a page had "stalled".

Home Button

Clicking the Home button will return you to your default Home page.

Search Button

Using the Search button will take you to Netscape's Net Search page, where you can search the Internet for particular information using a selection of different search engines. Searching the Web will be addressed later in this section.

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