Display Window

The display window is the most important part of Navigator. In this window, Navigator will display the formatted text, links, hotspots, graphics and other items that make up a web page. Some of this information is static such as a paragraph of text while some is active and performs a function. Some controls, such as buttons may be obvious while others may be hidden. These controls will be discussed later. Just remember that if the mouse pointer changes to a hand with a pointing figure, you can click there to do something or go somewhere. If the current page displayed is larger than the area shown, Navigator will display scroll bars in the appropriate locations. If scroll bars are not shown, you are viewing the entire page.

Status Line

The status line is located at the bottom of the display window. The paddle lock at the left serves the same function as the Security button on the Command Toolbar. The remainder of the status line is used to keep the user informed as to what is going on in Navigator. If you move the mouse pointer over a link or hotspot, the status line will show the address that the link would take you to. If you have clicked on a link, it will keep you informed as to the size of the files that you are accessing, the percentage that has been received, the rate of transfer and when the document is done. If you have previously closed the Component Bar, it will be displayed on the right side of the status line.

Links and Hotspots

A link is a special piece of text while a hotspot is a special graphic located within a document. If the user clicks on the link or hotspot, it tells Navigator to jump to a new location which may be another spot in the same document or a different document located on the other side of the world. A link is considered followed once you have clicked on it. If the link has been followed, it will change colour. The colour change does not affect the functionality of the link. It is used only as a reference for the user so that they know where they have been. To use a link or hotspot, simply move the pointer onto it and click.

But how can I tell if I am on a link or hotspot. Navigator will provide several clues.

  • By default, text links are underlined and appear in blue, while inactive text is not underlined and appears in black. However, some home page builders are using other colours to indicate inactive text. After you have used a text link, it will change colour. The default is red. This is only for the users reference and does not affect the function of the link. After approximately 30 days, the link will turn blue again as long as you have not used it again during that time.
  • If you rest the mouse pointer on the link, the status line will display the address that the link will take you to.
  • The mouse pointer will change to a hand with a pointing finger when over a link or hotspot.

It is possible to change the appearance of links but I suggest that you leave them alone for now. If you wish to change the colour of the links, use Navigators Help menu.


Netscape Navigator 4 will support frames. Frames are distinct areas within the Navigator display window. Each frame is a stand alone environment that has it's own scroll bars, recognizes mouse clicks and can include the same features as any Web page. This is equivalent to having several different web pages displayed at once. To make any frame the active frame simply click on the area. If you wish to print out the contents of a Web page that is part of a frames document, only the active frame will print.

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