The Search ButtonDo to the size of the Internet, finding a particular piece of information from within all the public documents available, could be a difficult task. You could try browsing around by clicking links. If you were very lucky, you may find what you were looking for. For this reason, Netscape provides a means of using tools, called Search Engines, to search the Internet for a particular word or string of words.To begin, click on the ![]()
Several different Search Engines, such as Lycos, Excite, Yahoo and Infoseek can be accessed directly from this page simply by clicking on the links on the left. To use any of the Search Engines, you could click on one of the links provided. This will take you to other links within that predefined category. If you want to find information about a specific subject, enter the appropriate search word or word string in the text box and then click the button identified as search, submit, go get it or something similar. Each Search Engine seems to identify this button differently. If you use more than one word, the search results will include any documents that include any or all of the words. If you wish to find only those documents that include all the words in your search string, put a plus sign (+) between the words instead of space. For example, I once had a student that wanted to find information about Polaris snowmobiles. He entered the words Polaris and snowmobile in the Search Engine text box. The Search Engine found more than 187,000 matches. It found information on the intended search as well as info about every other make of snowmobile, snowmobile trails, snowmobile safety and repair, to name a few. It also found information about Polaris submarines as well as Polaris missiles. He conducted the search again, but this time put a plus sign (+) between the words. This time the Search Engine returned less than 300 matches. If your search string is a quotation or a persons complete name, put the search string, complete with spaces, inside quotation marks. Once the search is complete, a list of links will be displayed. Click on any of the links and you will go to that location. |
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