Integration of a holistic approach into the program. (responses Cultural awareness)
Beadwork - teaches math, socializing, patterning
Speak in Language
Teach them life-skills, coping skills so learners can deal with things that happen in their lives
Ask what learners need; native materials are optional
Comfortable atmosphere, safe atmosphere
Take breaks (from program) - mental health
Family like relationships - not hierarchical
Whole person is taken into account - integration of healthy lifestyles into programs
Meeting 4 needs of people - physical, emotional, intellect ional, spiritual
Smudge - 9am and avail if needed
Native CD’s/music/programs/speakers/Elders/Artists
Language programs
Cultural activities/crafts
Native curriculums
PLA - native perspective
Native Learning Styles
Delay start dates for people who are not “ready” to learn/start program
Write letters to other agencies - referral
Accessible - wheelchair
Anything that’s free in the community - help them to attend
Balance between program and cultural; childcare; programming is flexible; life-skills; cultural programming; individual; tutors; smudge/talking circle at start of day
Attend ceremonies to
\bring back to learners - songs, cultural teachings; healers; share stories/experiences; that they can make their own decisions; flexible; no reprimands- treat with respect; try not to judge; let them have a voice
1:1 tutoring
Self directed learning
Oral history through story telling; integrate cultural tradition into awards ceremonies/recognition;
Participate in cultural ceremonies for self & to bring back to learners; cultural materials
Using Native resources; referral to services in our multi-service agency to get help with readiness to learn and cultural teachings; Setting boundaries - give referrals but no time for concrete support
Take the whole learner into consideration when dealing with them - if they have problems to get those straight first. Being respectful of students.
Talk about all aspects of person life - strengths, where they are rooted, where is their solid ground - work with them from there (the place that they value).
Academics assessed - know where they are lacking, but where do they want to be.
Social opportunities - things they can be involved in community which program/practitioners attend - networking with other learners
- social events planned by the students association - craft circle.
Spend a lot of time looking at peoples strengths. Dealing with person in every part of their lives - talk about where person is at spiritually - open about our own spirituality.
Making lessons practical/hands-on; role plays; talking about things that happen to us - helping learners to understand self; encourage to find out what their good at (niche); make learners feel like they belong & develop a relationship with them; had a school/students council with president etc & have meetings of learners - address issues there; ignore the negative/focus on positive; building on what they know.