of AlphaChum, AlphaHelp, AlphaRoute, AlphaBooks. Alphachat (responses)
Planning to do Alpharoute
Started using Alphachum
Intend to use library
Internet is not hooked up yet
No time to learn to use it or to do it
Use all - love it!! Alphachat, Alpharoute, Alphabooks - mini-collection
Library - drop in; Nancy Cooper; helpline; LBS tech support
Alpharoute, walk-in library; Alphachat
Alphachat - LBS info; training; library - mini collection (some of material
is old)
Alphachum; Alphaheip; Alphacat
Website - interactive, computer basics (
No don’t use
Library; No time for discussions /not secure
Use discussions & email; use IMS & demonstrations training. Route
is neat but time consuming (no time to use it).
Yes - use Alphacom, mini-library, Alphachat. Cannot do Alpharoute if cannot
guarantee 10 people; Alphaplus books
take a long time to come - they also throw in materials didn’t ask
for; a pain to set up Alphachats.
Yes - only use website resources (under the library); need to be taught
how to use Alpharoute;
cartoons are insulting to an adult learner; Alpha is not user friendly.
Sources of Materials (responses)
Other programs
NLP, make own, community, from GED program, donations
local school, make own
Alpha, grassroots, other literacy programs, anglophone, Nechi, NLP network
public library
NLP, grassroots press
Laubach - Canada
Independent Learning Centre material -
ONLC; NLP; MTCU; Lampton Kent
Internet, grassroots press, Steck-Vaughn, National Film Board
Native Resources (responses)
NLP, software, own, community
Don’t really use Native resources - 1 program only
Nechi, NLP
Saskatchewan, Four Worlds, other programs, FN11, internet, NLP, Scholastics
book sale
Self created, host org, NLP
Myself; a lot more are needed and they need to be updated and clearer.
Own library; Chippewa library; sharing with other Native literacy programs
NLP - but has mistakes.
NLP; school text books.
Gullivers Book Store (North Bay), Gabriel Dumont
NLP - useful.