Birth to 3 years old
- Likes to suck on and hold books (very multi-sensory) - infants
- Pretends to read books
- Understands that books are handled in a specific manner
- Shows enjoyment of rhyming language and nonsense words
- Listens to stories, but doesn’t necessarily sit still to listen for a long time
(has some attention span)
- Has a favourite book or video
- Uses increasingly purposeful scribbling
- Begins to show attention to specific print such as letters in own name,
familiar with some environmental print
- Can sometimes recognize that numbers are different from letters
- Produces some letter-like forms
3 to 4 years old
- Knows that alphabet letters are a special category that have specific
- Recognizes more environmental print
- Recognizes repeating sounds in language e.g. Tom, Tom the Piper’s Son
- Uses new vocabulary and grammar in her/his own speech
- Understands and follows oral directions
- Shows an interest in books and reading
- Has an increasing attention span and can sit for longer books
- Starts to print letters, especially first initial of name
- Identifies alphabet letters, especially from own name, Mommy or Daddy or
other familiar words
- Writes (scribbles) messages
5 years old
- Knows favourite books from memory
- Begins to track print when listening to a familiar book
- Reads familiar texts
- Can print name
- Knows numbers 1through 10 and can print some of them
- Recognizes both upper and lower case letters
- Understands the sequence of numbers and letters
- Recognizes some sight words