Stages of Literacy Development


Stages of Development Skills needed to Acquire and Master
Getting Ready

Falling in love with sounds

Remembering things you have heard
Understanding things you have heard


Acting and recreating stories Answering multi-level questions

Developing language skills
Developing an understanding of concepts Being able to think critically

Developing Oral Language

Extending vocabulary Matching words to thought and actions

Developing language skills
Understanding things you have heard

Understanding Print

Understanding how print is placed on page
Recognizing how print works together Putting thoughts on paper

Understanding things you see Remembering things you see
Physical coordination to be able to write
Developing an understanding of concepts of writing

Acquiring Reading Skills

Reading text that can be predicted
Recognizing sight words Developing phonological awareness

Remembering things you have heard
Understanding things you have heard
Understanding things you see Remembering things you see
Having an understanding of concepts of reading
Development of language skills Critical thinking skills

As children practice using language, they need to receive feedback and need time to reflect. Children need time to experience language and the time to practice and evaluate what they have experienced. This is how their language skills will develop and grow (Schiller, 2001).