Promote the Program

To start, you need to create an outreach plan that should include the answers to these questions:

You need to begin your outreach plan by thinking about how people will find out about your program. Then consider how participants will be able to attend, knowing some of the barriers they may face. First, can they read the brochures, posters, cheque inserts, and other printed materials that you produce? You need to make sure that any printed material is written in plain language and does not have too much print on the page.

Do not forget about the sites’ internal promotion. Many sites have newsletters that they share with all potential clients and other professionals who may refer. Also, some have sign boards in front of their location that they could use to promote your program. Host coordinators also attend many meetings. Provide the site with flyers and your business cards so that they can promote the program as well.

Media such as public service announcements (PSA’s) and newspaper advertisements are other ways to get your message out. You can also write an article for a newspaper or magazine that talks about some of the issues that your clients might be facing; for example, school readiness in their children. The disadvantage with this type of promotion is that it needs to be done well in advance of your program start up date. Also do not forget to invite parents who may not fit the exact clientele but who still may be in need of this type of program. See appendices for sample outreach plan (Appendix 6).

Using a Variety of Printed Materials

A variety of printed materials are used and each are designed for different audiences. For example, one brochure targets participants; another targets professionals who may refer. For examples, see the appendices following this section (Appendices 4 and 5). Ensure that you have listed the benefits to the clients, times and dates of program, costs, locations, and phone number. Since the program primarily targets clients on Ontario Works or welfare, the cheque insert is the most effective form of advertising. A one- page cheque insert is sent to clients, one month before the programs start (Appendix 5). All of the registration is done by the coordinator, not the sites, using a telephone screening tool to determine suitability and need of literacy skill enhancement (see Appendix 7). You are then able to ensure that you have the correct numbers of parents and children for the capacity of the rooms at the sites.