Literacy and Math Activities (Story Stretchers)

Activities – (Shapes/Colours Kit)

Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes (KSA)
Colour Game. Put different coloured pieces of paper on the floor, one for each child. As music plays, children move from colour to colour. When music stops children are asked to identify the colour they are standing on. K - colour recognition
Brown Bear colour strips game. As you read the book, children are asked to hold up the matching colour strip to the colour on the page. If you have young children, only give them 4 coloured strips K - colour recognition
K - matching
S - memory of colours
Colour Relay. Two sets of colour strips are needed, one for parent, one for child. First parent shows her colour strip to the child and asks child to retrieve same colour from the floor. Extension – have parent say colour without holding it up for child to see. Have child identify the colour from the name only. K - colour recognition
K - matching
S - vocabulary knowledge
Graphing activity. Graph the question “What is your favourite colour?” Use the words “more, less, the same.” K- data management
K - vocabulary
Sorting activity. Have children divide their paper plates into 4 sections. Have them sort their objects according to colour. K - colour recognition
K - matching
K - data management
Coloured Scarf Dance. Have the children sitting while you play or sing a song. The children need to move their bodies to the rhythm of the music/song. Then bring the scarves out and have the children dance with the different coloured scarves. After the dancing, overlap the scarves on the floor and have the children observe the different colours; What happens when the colours overlap? Count each scarf at the end. Extension – make a graph of how many of each coloured scarf there is. K - colour recognition
K - number sense and
S - fine motor skill development (moving scarf)
S - gross motor development
Sorting colours. Place different coloured objects in bowls. Have the children sort the objects by colour into the correct bowls. (tape one of the three primary colours on the outside of the bowls). Extension – for older children, put the name and colour on the outside of the bowl and have the children sort by reading the colour name or add more colours than just the 3 primary colours. K - colour recognition
K- matching
S - fine motor coordination
S - memory skills
How many objects fit on the paper? Have each child pick a coloured piece of construction paper. They now need to go to the kit to find objects that match the colour of their paper. Extension – discuss how many objects each child has on his/her paper. Count the items. Then graph the data K - colour recognition
K - matching
K - knowledge of space or number of objects required
K - data management and probability
S - fine motor control