On Track Colour Match. Make train cars by using shoe boxes. Colour each shoe box a different colour. Have the children fill up the shoe boxes with objects of the same colour. Have them graph the number of objects in each box. K - colour recognition
K - matching
K - data management
S - fine motor control
Shape Walk. Provide the families with a shape walk template. They are to walk in the room or around the facility and record how many of each of the shapes they find. K - shape recognition
K - matching
K - geometry and spatial sense
Colour Walk. Provide the families with a colour walk
template. Families are to walk around the room or
facility and find specific colours listed on the sheet.
K - colour recognition
K - matching
S - vocabulary knowledge
Colour/Pattern Matching. Provide the families with coloured blocks. Have the children create a pattern. E.g. 2 red, 2 blue or 1 blue, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 red. K - colour and shape recognition
K - matching, patterning
S - fine motor control