Lesson Plan 1 – What is Literacy?


1 - tools 3 – families engaging in literacy activities 5 – strengthen networks

K-Parents will know a holistic definition of literacy. K-Parents will understand number sense, and will know the 3 key messages of GSL. Parents will also know the rules and routines of GSL. A-Children will have ownership over their literacy kit (bag and book to be given in 2nd class).
Many of these activities help to increase oral language use. It is definitely necessary for good reading skills
and is a focus in schools these days.


Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities
Special notes and/or



Opening Activity

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Name tent, (Give parents a piece of construction paper to make a picture of family or something that represents family *and tell group about it.) It is important that the facilitator do this exercise as well because she is a member of the group.
  • Make name tags for children
  • Hand out and discuss the parent book, number book for child, bags (give out 2nd class)
    and literacy starter kit (glue stick)
  • Read information for parents located in parent book (first 3 pages)

Introduce Topics

What is literacy?/GSL Key Messages/GSL Routines/Completion of GSL Forms

What is Literacy?
Create a holistic definition of literacy as a group and have them write the definition in their parent books. When you think of the term literacy, what comes to mind? (holistic hinges on the individual being able to communicate in a community; whatever community they live in or associate with) Definitions will be different depending on where one lives and works and plays and what language a person speaks. Holistic literacy enables them to be a part of and contribute to that community.

A myriad of definitions exist. You can look them up on the internet, in textbooks, etc. What you are looking for is something that explains that literacy is the ability to effectively use language to communicate.



Essential Skills

Reading text
Document use
Oral Communication
Working with Others
Thinking Skills

Those of Muslim faith cannot make human/animal
representations- use a family object

Adjective name game (ie. Interesting Ingrid) This is repeated in lesson 2 – a more complicated version can be done or the same game

Tour of the host site is optional