Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities
Special notes and/or

GSL Key Messages

  • Introduce 3 Key Messages and discuss
  1. Read with your child DAILY (if parent cannot read this can be a “Share a book with your child daily)
  2. Play in literacy-rich ways with your child
  3. Be a literacy role model


GSL Routines and Rules (go over this routine - see Get Set Learn Rules (Parent Book)

  • Families arrive and children go to child care room, parents in parent room
  • Opening activity done with parents
  • Review from last class
  • New topics are explored
  • Homework and craft is assigned
  • Children join group for PACT
  • Snack is shared by all
  • Family Learning Time (hello song, ABC song, book read, homework shared) – teach the parents the hello and goodbye songs. Repeating the songs (which have patterns is a math activity – from “Algebra and Patterning” Math Strand)
  • PACT activity
  • Goodbye song
  • Get Set Learn is a family program so we encourage you to keep your child engaged in the group activities (family learning time) such as story time. This requires that you need to help your child to be a good listener, have them stay with you (on your lap if possible) and encourage them not to touch any one else in any way that hurts (you may post rules in the room if desired). What is a ‘good listener’? Some children need to move and listen at the same time or sit in a way that allows for upper body movement if the child is a wiggle. Some parents think good listener is a child who is silent and sits perfectly still. This is challenging and may be an unrealistic expectation for some children. We encourage you to cuddle with your child and to make reading time a special time by staying close to her/him and helping her/him to remain engaged. One way to strengthen this skill is to read at home with him/her daily if possible.

Puppet use for class friend in Family Learning and to help establish routines. The puppet is used to sing songs along with the families as well as to make the children feel at ease with the facilitator and the entire group. While the story is being read, each child over the course of the 16 weeks is asked if he or she would like to hold the puppet for the reading of the story book.

Why do we sing songs with the families? (ABC, Hello). We incorporate a Hello Song or poem to establish comfort with the routine of the class. It will be repeated every class.