Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities
Special notes and/or


Opening Routine

  • Hello song
  • ABC song
  • Children share #1 from their homework book
  • Show and share the crafts completed for homework

PACT Math Activity

Do you have any buttons on today? Create a laminated chart. Talk about how this is a visual presentation of data. This falls under the math strand “Number Sense and Numeration” and “Data Management and Probability.” The math strands are explained in lesson 10. We suggest that before you approach this lesson, you read lesson 10 and are comfortable with the math strands.

Story Time

Eating the Alphabet

PACT Literacy Activity
Memory Game

  • What is missing on the tray—use maximum 5 objects and show children all 5. Remove 1 or 2 objects and show the remaining objects and ask what is missing.
  • Parents read a non-word book to their children (each parent reads to own child)

Closing Routine

  • Assign craft (make an alphabet hand puppet out of a brown paper bag) and number 2 to children
  • Goodbye song

Items can be from one theme or colour or all books or all toys (to make memory easier).

Why do we sing songs with the families? (ABC, Hello). See lesson 1 for explanation.

Read the story during snack if you have a lot of energetic children who are unable to sit for a long time. Eventually, they may increase the length of time that they can sit while being read with.

This puppet craft strengthens imaginative play, language and vocabulary usage, arm, hand and finger muscles (which are the precursors to writing).