Lesson Plan 3 – Choosing Books


1 – tools 4 – school ready 7 – translate school system
K-the 3 key messages of GSL.
K-Parents will know how to choose an appropriate book for their child and how to connect brain gym to learning.
K-know comparing words bigger and smaller
S-Parents will know two methods of the 5 finger check. S-Children will know how to trace their own hand
A-Through group activities, parents become more comfortable in social interaction.

Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities
Special notes and/or



Opening Activity

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Memory Name game. Have each person state their favourite book, fruit, vegetable, main course, dessert with the first letter of their first name. Go around the room. The first person only says their own. The second person says their neighbour’s name and choice, and their own. The third person must remember all 3, and so on


  • Multi-sensory learning using all 5 senses
  • How to read a book
  • Memory and its importance
  • Read with Child Daily – Key Message #1

Introduce Topics
Brain Gym, Literacy Checklist, Choosing Books

Brain Gym

Brain Gym is a method of stimulating some thinking in your adults and children. Although its benefits have not been scientifically proven, many teachers have had the training and incorporate it into their classroom teaching. Therefore, we introduce it to further connect parents to the school system.

Because water comprises 90% of the brain, having adults and children drinking water before and after class can help to make the brain cells work. Drinking water is important in most situations but it can actually improve thinking skills. Dehydration can actually affect concentration in a negative way. When cells are hydrated, they work more efficiently and effectively. Drink your water, it helps you think!!! Like rain falling on the ground, water is best absorbed by the body when provided in frequent small amounts.

Essential Skills

Reading text
Document use
Oral Communication
Working with Others
Thinking Skills
Computer Use (if parents check suggested websites)

For low literate parents. Using coloured crayons, trace around the bubbles on the check-list in parent handout.

Web site for brain gym www.braingym.org/about.html