Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities


Introduce craft (gumball with stickers) and assign number 3 in child book
Parent book - Literacy Checklist
Have the parents refer to “How to choose books for Your Child” – have them look around their home and see if they can find books that fit the suggestions or have them visit the library for these books
Have them review “ ABC Strategies for Stories and Books”




Opening Routine

  • Hello song
  • ABC song
  • Review homework and craft

PACT Math/literacy Activity

  • Child traces around parent’s hand, traces their own hand inside and colours in the hand. Have parents use hand-over-hand with child. This is strengthening the child’s pre-writing skills by strengthening the muscles in his/her hand. Discuss the differences in size using math terms such as compare and contrast, larger, smaller Math strand is “Geometry and Spacial Sense."

Story Time
Animal Alphabet

PACT Literacy Activity

  • Have parents choose an appropriate book for their child and read it with them

Closing Routine

  • Give out gumball craft and assign homework number 3 to children
  • Goodbye song