Opening Routine
- Hello song
- ABC song
- Share homework and craft
PACT Math Activity
- Simon says/ Hokey pokey — left right in out up down, (math) “Geometry and Spatial Sense” is the math strand used.
Other songs like 5 speckled frogs or 10 little monkeys can be used as well. These songs are used because
we want the children to feel the rhythm of the singing plus the words are math terms and use counting from the
“Number Sense” and “Numeration.” Also the children need to know how to subtract or take away a number from
another number.
E.g. 5 – 1=4 speckled frogs left on the log
Story time
Dr. Suess ABC
PACT Literacy Activity
- Text walk ABC/letter (Parent Book)
Closing Routine
- Assign craft (give family vowel activity in which they need to match miniscule letters to miniscule and
capital letters to capital letters) and assign the number 4 to children
- Goodbye song