Opening Activity
- Welcome and introductions
- A Penny for your Thoughts. Hand out pennies – have the parents look at each penny and find the
year; share something about themselves that happened during that year either personal or within
the world
- Literate home — discussion around have you implemented any new literacy/math practices at
home? If yes, which ones? How is it going?
- Did you do any literacy activities at home?
- Read with Child Daily – Key Message #1
Introduce Topics
Stages of Reading, Environmental Print, Magic of Print, Language and General Knowledge
Stages of Reading
“Literacy Beanstalk.” Before class, create a visual representation of a beanstalk. Put each of the stages
of the beanstalk on a leaf. Then when you bring it to class, only put up the outside of the beanstalk. If
you have a large group, give one leaf to each parent and have her/him place in the appropriate spot
on the beanstalk. If you have a small group, give each parent more than one leaf of the beanstalk.
In any case, keep in mind that this is a difficult activity to do. It will help them remember the stages of
reading though. Emphasize that it is the “stages” not “ages” of reading. All children pass through these
stages but at different times. Now have them refer to their parent handout “Climbing the Beanstalk”
which details the stages of reading.
Essential Skills
Reading text
Document use
Oral Communication
Working with Others
Thinking Skills
Computer Use (if
parents check suggested websites)
Move “Literacy
Beanstalk” to class 4 if
Raising Readers video
is not available.