Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities


Math Activity

  • Number Line Estimation. Bring a number line from number 0 – 20. Have a certain number of buttons in a see through container. Have the parents estimate (make a guess) how many buttons are in the container. When they guess, they should use a range of three numbers as an estimate. It is a rough guess, not a precise guess. Then count the buttons and compare as to who was close. Discuss that this was a risk-taking behaviour (making a guess in front of peers) and that risk-taking is a life skill. So, try to encourage your children to take risks (calculated and safe – that you approve…try to create situations where they can take a risk or make guesses).e.g. estimate the jelly beans in a jar, cookies in a jar. Math strand is “Number Sense and Numeration” as well as “Data Management and Probability.”


Literacy Activity

  • Give each parent a book and have them find a partner. Have them observe by comparing and contrasting the books. Also, what patterns are observed in the book?. Are there rhymes? Repetition of words? Repeated actions?



  • Have families make a list of routines from home and be prepared to share number 7 during next class
  • Discuss the craft (Making objects out of different shapes)

