Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities


Opening Routine

  • Hello song
  • ABC song
  • Homework share


PACT Math Activity

  • Number Line Estimation. Observe and estimate the number of objects and have the families
    place the value on the number line. Talk about how estimating is a guess so it doesn’t have to
    be precise. For example, if you have a number of buttons in the container, have them estimate
    3 consecutive numbers. If they think there are 12, 13, or 14 buttons, then they should put all three
    numbers down rather than putting one number down. (the concept of having one right answer is
    discouraged by using a range or zone of reasonable guesses) This activity encourages risk-taking
    and problem solving which are both life skills. Children will have to take risks in life. By having
    them estimate how many buttons and then record this on a number line, they are taking a risk.
    Estimating develops a sense of number. This skill is developed through practice and reflection.
    The more we do it, the better we become and usually, there is more than one solution to a

  • The number line provides a visual reference to develop sequence (forwards and backwards),
    counting and number relationships (greater than, less than, same).
  • Counting real objects helps children to understand the meaning of a number.