Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities


Sorting is a pre-reading skill because the child has to determine what fits and makes sense, the same as reading information and making sense of it (comprehension).

If a child can recognize his/her name by jk/sk, this is a high predictor of grade 1 success. Problem solving in the bathtub can be as simple as having your child sort or count items of different colours, shapes and sizes. Your child can also fill or empty cups, spray bottles, or margarine tubs. He or she can also float and sink different objects.


Strategies to Increase Vocabulary
Make sure when you sit down beside your child in the tub, face your child and talk with him or her. Name things and actions (Labelling)…..everything that your child is interested in.

Describe what you are doing and how you are doing it.(Self talk) “Let’s wash your 5 fingers on this hand….one, two, three, four, five.” Watch what your child is doing and looking at. Listen to his or her sounds and words. Show that you understand by commenting on his actions and sounds.

Copy what your child does (Mirroring) and says.

Add a word to what your child says which will increase his/her vocabulary (Scaffolding). Scaffolding is expanding on what your child says or does. For example, the child might say “I run fast” to which the parent could reply, “Yes, you run very fast after the ball.” In all of these strategies, make sure that the parents are actively listening to what the child is trying to say. The ways that parents respond to a child’s early attempts at language, influence and impact on the child’s language development.

Straws are a great idea in the bath tub as they help to form teeth and they also encourage your child to make sounds….blowing helps develop this skill.


Literacy Activity
Have parents do midpoint evaluation (Section C - Evaluations)