Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities
Special notes and/or


Math Activity.

  • Work with partner and observe the objects on the table from the kit. Create a math game and be prepared to tell us what skills this game would enhance.



  • Bring a unique bathtub game that you create with child to discuss in class next time
  • Read Inexpensive ways to literacy play (Parent Book)




Opening Routine

  • Hello song
  • ABC song
  • Sing bathtub songs (use the tune of a familiar song and change the words.)

For example:
Itsy Bitsy Turtle (sung to the tune of “Itsy Bitsy Spider”)
The itsy bitsy turtle, swam in the ocean blue, Out came a shark and said “I”ll play with you.”
They splished and they splashed while the sun was still bright Then it got dark and the friends said goodnight.
Are You Swimming (sung to the tune of “Frere Jacques”)
Are you swimming, are you swimming, little fish, little fish.
Bigger fish are coming, bigger fish are coming. Swim away. Swim away.

  • Homework share

PACT Math Activity

Play math game with your child (the game you created with other parents)


Story Time

Ten Little Rubber Ducks



Sing simple songs with your child to help him learn language. Sing
songs over and over. Hearing rhyme and rhythm can make it
easier for your child to learn to read (see class 6 for more explanation).