Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities

You have an essential role in supporting the development of your child’s health. There is a direct link between health resources and life management. Babies and young children are totally dependent on their parents for health resources. The more time parents spend focusing on the development of health resources, the more they support their child’s lifelong learning opportunities.

Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the knowledge that parents have to manage any financial matters for their families including budgeting, allowances, knowing their purchasing power, understanding that money is a symbol for something else, etc.


Things to Do to Strengthen Financial Literacy Skills

  1. Teach your children the value of coins and bills.
  2. Count change with your child.
  3. Start an allowance system.
  4. Turn their “gimme” requests into a desire to save.
  5. Help them to set easy saving goals.
  6. Show them how advertisements don’t always tell the truth.
  7. Encourage your children to be thrifty and provide rewards when they do.
  8. Teach the difference between needs and wants.
  9. Help them to earn extra cash for toys and treats.
  10. Avoid vacation tantrums by setting up kiddie budgets.

Adapted from Practical Money Skills for Life