Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities
Special notes and/or

Literacy Activity

  • Have parents do health chart from Parent Book. Then discuss as a group. This activity will show the importance of parents to their child’s health.



  • Discuss Lace a Teddy Bear craft and assign the number 15 in the child book
  • Do Personal Goal Sheet from Parent Book





Opening Routine

  • Hello song
  • ABC song
  • Homework share


PACT Math Activity

  • Ask child to help solve problems. Facilitator to write these on the board or chart paper ahead of time. We have $6.00 to purchase tomatoes and each tomato is $1.00. How many tomatoes can we buy?
  • OR bring in pretend coins and dollar bills (if have an older group of children). If younger, use the base 10 blocks for counting, patterning, building, and measuring (4 of the math strands)
  • OR have the families go on a math walk. Have them observe what their child notices in his/her environment. See if they can tell you what strand the observed items the child found belong in.


Story Time
Where Are Those Teddy Bears?


PACT Literacy Activity


Closing Routine

  • Assign “Lace a Teddy Bear” (Section D) craft and assign the number 15 to children
  • Goodbye song




Lacing improves hand/ eye coordination and muscle strength, both necessary pre-writing skills.