Opening Activity
Welcome and review 3 Key Messages
- Review any topics that need further addressing
- Ask the parents if there is anything they would like to discuss further
- Give out final evaluation
- Next Steps – future adult courses, job, assessment
Introduce Topics
Next Steps/Create a SMART goal/Final Evaluation/Celebration
Next Steps
Have guest speaker explain services of Job Connect or a similar agency that helps adults find
employment. If a guest speaker is not available, the facilitator should have ideas and contact
information so that she can address the parents questions and make appropriate referrals. We have a
directory of all the literacy and basic skills (LBS) programs that adults can attend following this program.
We explain each of the different programs found at the various agencies and encourage the parents to
have an assessment of their skills if they are interested in further adult literacy programming (In our case,
Project READ has an assessor who directly refers to all LBS programs). Also, have someone from the host
site come to the class to explain other programs the families can attend following Get Set Learn. These
are all good transition steps to ensure that these families remain engaged in their community.
Create a SMART goal (See parent handbook for more information)
S - specific
M - measureable
A - attainable
R - realistic and results oriented
T - timeline
Essential Skills
Reading text
Document use
Oral Communication
Working with Others
Thinking Skills
Continuous Learning
Computer Use (if
parents check
suggested websites)
For higher literacy
level parents, have
them create a time
line or plan for their
future. Because we
are talking about next
steps, you need them
to think realistically
about what they
want to be doing 3 – 6 months from now.