Word Definition
A theory developed by Howard Gardner that explains that each individual has a number of natural skills that leads one to ask “How are you smart?” ; the nine intelligences include: Linguistic intelligence, Logical-mathematical intelligence, Musical intelligence, Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, Spatial intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence, Naturalist intelligence, Existential intelligence (Existential intelligence is not confirmed by Gardner, but suggested).
Using more than one sense to help with learning a skill. The five senses are hearing, taste,
touch, smell, and seeing.
Outcomes These are the results or consequences; In Get Set Learn, the three major categories of outcomes are: K – knowledge, S – skills, A – attitudes; outcomes show that learning has occurred because of participation in the program.
OW Ontario Works clients who are unemployed and receiving Social Assistance.
PACT One who tries to elicit responses from a group and has participants of the group do most of the talking.
Pedagogy The art and science of how children learn.
Phoneme The smallest unit of sound in the English language. English has 42 different phonemes.
Is an understanding that speech consists of a series of small sound parts.
Phononological awareness is often confused with “phonics” but it is really a precursor to phonics. Phononological awareness is the ability to be able to hear and distinguish the different parts of words such as syllables and phonemes. Children develop phonological awareness through verbal communication. Songs and nursery rhymes are particularly good tools for developing this auditory skill.
This is the awareness that the phonemes have different sounds.
Pre-literacy Is aThe time before a child or an adult learner begins to learn to read; pre-literacy skills are the foundation of the skills required for reading.
Reinforcement Repetition of tasks and skills with the purpose of making them innate.
A verbal description of an action in progress.