Word Definition
Scaffolding The creation of a rough framework of prior knowledge, within and on top of which, new
knowledge can be built; Scaffolding instruction is a way for facilitators and parents
to provide support mechanisms to allow children to handle complex tasks, with the
eventual goal of child’s independence.
Self Talk The talk that a person does to oneself. This talk can be negative or positive and through
Get Set Learn, we hope to incorporate positive self talk in the parents and children as a
builder of self-esteem.
Remembering things written or spoken.
Stream of
Verbalizing or writing down thoughts and feelings as they occur.
Story Stretcher An activity that will add to the comprehension of and fun of a story being read (for
example, having families hold matching coloured paper when reading “Brown Bear,
Brown Bear”).
Syntax How words are arranged in sentences according to the rules of grammar.
Teacher One who lectures and shares knowledge.





2 girls readings a book

mother sitting with baby and a book