What's the weather today?
To be able to identify weather conditions.
To ask and respond to questions about weather.
- Newspapers are a useful resource as they usually
have good illustrations of weather.
- Weather is a popular topic for small talk. It is good
for learners to be able to respond to small talk
regarding weather.
- Walking on snow and ice is a challenging task. Tell
your learners to use extra caution when walking in
snow and on ice.
- Footwear is also important in winter. Ensure that
your learners understand the importance of both
the tread on boots and shoes as well as the warmth.
- The weather in Nova Scotia is very changeable.
This is useful for learners to be aware of so they
can dress accordingly.
- Clothing vocabulary can be taught along with
- It is a skill to be able to keep warm in the winter.
Learners from warmer climates may not have had
the opportunity to develop this skill, so it is an
important for the instructor to pass this information
- Driving in winter conditions is tricky for all of us.
Black ice, freezing rain, snow tires, jumper cables
are all very important words to know. Winter
driving is not included here but it would be useful
for instructors to develop materials around this
topic area.
- Along with winter weather comes school cancellations.
Ensure that learners know what to listen for
on the radio regarding school cancellations. In
Halifax the announcement is, "All schools in the
Halifax Regional School Board are closed." Because
of the bus system in the rural areas of the Halifax
Regional Municipality, school officials still refer to
Halifax County.
In a snow storm:
- Stores sometimes close.
- School is sometimes cancelled.
- People drive very slow.
- You can't park your car on the street.
- Video a weather report from TV. Give learners
written weather words on cards. Play the video
and ask learners to put the words in order as they
hear them.
- Write the weather words on separate cards or
pieces of paper. Have the weather report from the
newspaper. Ask learners to match the word with
the picture.
- Review the weather every day. Weather vocabulary
is best taught when the same weather conditions
are present. For example, it is very difficult to
describe "foggy". If it is taught on a foggy day, and
reviewed on foggy days, it will be easier and more
successful for everyone.