- Find a space
in the community to hold the event. (school, band office, nursing
station, library, community hall)
- Advertise the
games night at least one week before the event. Put posters up around
the community, advertise on the local radio station, or green screen
and hand out invitations at the school. Tell everyone about
it! Posters and invitations are included in this package.
- Ask local stores
to donate snacks and prizes for your games evening.
- Prepare yourself
by reading the package and photocopying the games and bingos for children.
- Ask parents
to come with their children and enjoy the games together. You will
need volunteers to help with the games.
- You could set
up stations around the room and have families work through the games
together. Make sure to have one volunteer at each station.
- The older children
can fill in the Word Hunt game by going out in the community or school
to collect the answers. Give a prize to all those that finish the