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NWT Literacy Council
How To Kit
Environmental Print Games
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Steps to Organizing an Environmental Print Games Night

  1. At the end of the evening, play the Signs and Symbols Bingo and give prizes to the winners. Have the older children help the younger children with the bingo.

  2. Have a snack at the end of the evening and ask participants if they enjoyed themselves and if they would like to attend another event sometime.

  3. Ask the local paper to come to your event and do a story about Family Literacy.

  4. Thank your sponsors at your event and by writing them a letter.

  5. Ask the local paper to come to your event and do a story about Family Literacy.

  6. Call the NWT Literacy Council if you would like help with your event. The NWT Literacy Council can provide free books for prizes, help with the organization of the event and provide training for facilitators.

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