In Our Words Canadians Reading Together |
“Yes, there is a skunk in my tent and I did not want to get sprayed so I ran. My name is John. Do you think my ankle is broken?” “No, you did not twist it too much. The soreness should only last a little while. The skunk in your tent, is it big or small?” “It is a big one,” says John. “I have something here that should make it go away,” says Sara. Sara reaches in her backpack and takes the carefully wrapped container out. She opens the container and takes a couple of mothballs and carefully approaches the tent and gently rolled the mothballs inside. Sara returns to sit beside John, who was now sitting on a tree that had fallen down over the winter. “We will just have to wait until the skunk leaves. They do not like mothballs. How did the skunk get in your tent, John?” “I forgot to close the flap down when I was cleaning up the dishes. It must have smelled the food that is in the tent.” Sara asks John where he lives and works. John replies, “I work in a camping equipment store in Truro. I am glad you came along when you did.” John says, touching her arm gently. Sara notices the tattoo on his left arm had a name with a little heart beside it. The name says Sara. She asks him about the tattoo and he tells her about it. About 20 years ago I met this young lady in Toronto who worked there. I was quite taken with her. We dated a couple of times. On the fourth date, we decided to get tattoos. I would have her name, and she would have mine. She had blond hair, and was very smart. |
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