In Our Words Canadians Reading Together

Free to Be Me


Once I was a happy little girl
I was born in forty-four,
Although I had dresses and curls
I was a tomboy outside playing war.

Around the age of four my childhood was cut short,
When my mom would down the ‘Old Port’.
I became the little maid from the start,
I guess I was never meant to play in the park.

Skin and bone, tummy aches and head pain,
Even seven doctors could not explain.
Mon moved away because of her bad ways,
Peace and contentment finally came my way.

Teenage years were not much better,
Military rules, in another house with a Stepmother.
Church clubs were a Godsend to me
Lord help to make through this life to be.

At sixteen I left home and went out on my own,
Moving in with Grandmother back in my hometown
I learned how to work hard at my first job, be happy and
With lots of love and respect, good times all year round.

For five short years I lived on my own,
Free to go dancing or to a movie downtown.
Then I married and HE was the boss,
And for twenty-five years, I was lost.

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