What Do You Know Now
That You Wish You Knew
When You Were Younger?
Iam a 38-year old individual. For the last 17 years I have
been involved in a life of drugs and crimes. I was never
abused as a child and we were brought up in a very
Christian environment. We did not have much but we had a
lot of love. I have four sisters and four brothers. I had six kids
by one man and they are all well taken care of by my sister
Bonnie. In 1982 the tables turned and drugs took over my life.
It went from partying, fighting, drugs to cops, lock up and then
in and out of institutions. My life was going nowhere in a
hurry. I was not looking for any handouts, just one soul to
understand. Over the years I learned a lot. I took a CPR course
and upgrading. I went back to school. But I did nothing about
my drug uses. I just kept on using. I would not keep in touch
with my family. I did not want anyone that I loved to see me.
My drugs of course were crack cocaine. In 1999, I was
introduced to CA, which was just like AA but I did not drink.
I went to my meetings once a week. I now look at my Life with
a whole new outlook. I am a mother, a sister, an aunt, a
daughter, and most of all I AM SOMEBODY’S FRIEND. I wish
I had known what I know now and if I did I know, I would
never taken that first puff. I have been in recovery for going on
3 years and I am having a hard time. I say my prayers every
night. I know God will take care of me. Everybody makes
mistakes. It is never too late to start over and that is what I have
done. I moved home and I went back to school. I still go see my drug
counselor and I have a lot of support. I still have a
substance abuse problem and I’m working on that. I will come
through with flying colours. The kind of work that I am
looking for is talking to the young ones. If I can talk to just one
kid and tell them my story, maybe they will not touch drugs. I
would not give them to my worst enemy. If I could turn back
the hands of time, then I would take one day at a time. Thank
you for taking the time to read this…….ELLIE…STATES….