WHMIS Labels

A label gives information about a product. It alerts the worker to the hazard of the product and gives the precautions to take. The label also refers to a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for more information.

The label may be a mark, sign, stamp, sticker, seal, tag, or wrapper. Below is an example of a WHMIS label.


Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
The Material Safety Data Sheet is a form that gives information about hazardous products in the workplace. It should be placed in work areas where the hazardous product.

The MSDS sheet has nine headings:

1. Product Information

2. Hazardous Ingredients

3. Physical Data

4. Fire and Explosion Data

5. Reactivity Data

6. Toxicological Properties

7. Preventive Measures

8. First Aid Measures

9. Preparation Information Employee Training

(*See a full MSDS form on page 82 and 83)

Employee Training

Employers must give workers an education program if they work with or near a hazardous product. The training gives information and teaches the worker about handling and use of all hazardous substances in the workplace. Employers must make sure that all employees understand and are able to apply the information they receive for their own safety and health. The employer must also be informed of all hazards related to the workplace and provide all hazard information of which he/she is aware.

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