Reading Comprehension #14018 |
What types of novels are thereThere thousands of novels available to read. All novels have the basic parts of a narrative. They may differ in several ways. Some novels are used to entertain and to instruct. These novels have serious themes and offer advice on moral behaviour. Other novels specialize in a specific type of setting or plot. For example, there are historic novels, science fiction novels, mystery novels, Western novels, adventure novels, romance novels, and more. How do I read novelsPart of the pre-reading process includes researching information about the author, the author’s time period, and the setting of the novel. Some of this information may be included with the novel. You may want to consult a dictionary, encyclopedia, or the internet to find more information. This part of the pre-reading process will give you the context for the novel. As part of the reading process you should gather information about the setting of the novel. The setting includes both the time and the place of the novel. Look for changes in the setting. Determine what techniques or literary devices the writer uses to develop a believable setting. Determine to what extent the setting influences the characters and the plot. The setting usually contributes to the development of the mood of the novel. Look for the overall mood of the novel. Is it happy, sad, cold, violent, passionate? Determine how the writer creates the mood. Does the writer use dialogue to develop the mood? Is the description of the setting important to establishing the mood? Is there a narrator, and how does the narrator contribute to the mood? Perhaps the narrator uses words or phrases in a humorous way. The point of view of the narrator will impact mood development differently. First person point of view may be appropriate to develop intense personal feelings or moods. Third person narration might be used to create a critical or satirical mood. The development of the plot is also an important factor in mood development. |
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