Reading Comprehension #14018

Many novels contain a main plot with several sub-plots. Ask yourself whether the writer uses the sub plots to enhance the main plot or to distract from the main plot. What parts of plot development are emphasised? For example, is there a short or a long conclusion. Is there one conflict, or are there several conflicts? Are the characters introduced early in the plot development, or does the writer slowly reveal the qualities of the characters?

After establishing who are the main characters, and who are the minor characters, you should determine how the writer develops and uses each character. Does the author rely on direct statements about the characters, or does the writer use dialogue and action to infer character qualities? You will also want to read carefully to see how other aspects of the novel, such as the setting, impact the characters. Do the characters change significantly, or do they change only slightly? The amount of change a character undergoes may hint at the theme or themes of the novel.

If a character changes little in attitude and ability, the author may be suggesting that, after a point, humans are not capable of change. This inability to change may lead to the characters down falls. Where sub plots exist, the author may have included theme also. How do the main themes and the themes from the sub-plots interact? Are the themes related, or are they different? Lastly, do you agree with the theme?

As part of the post-reading process, it is important to evaluate how reading the novel affected you as a reader. Did you enjoy reading the novel? Why or why not? Are there specific events, settings, or characters that stand out? Why? What techniques or literary devices did the writer use to make the event, setting, or character to stand out? Was the novel a challenge to read because of the writer’s style and choice of words? Finally, would you read another novel from the same author?

Finding the answers to these questions can be challenging. You may need to reread the novel to answer some questions. When you answer these questions, it is important to be able to offer details or quotes from the novel to support your answers. This may mean using your scanning or skimming skills to find examples. For instance, it is not enough to say that the mood is sombre and hopeless. You need to support the statement with examples such as the description of the setting or the thoughts and feelings of the characters.

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