Reading Comprehension #14018

Practice Exercise 9 A

Facts vs. Opinion

  1. Read each statement. Write “F” for facts beside factual statements. Write “O” for opinion beside opinions.

    1. Chignecto Bay is found between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
    2. I feel mad when the government is careless with the taxpayers’ money.
    3. February second is Ground Hog Day.
    4. The German language should be taught in all public schools.
    5. Four of my co-workers were sick with the flu today.
    6. Fifteen people at the dinner meeting ordered steak and potatoes.
    7. Rain is a bad thing.
    8. Everyone should buy a big screen television.
    9. If everyone in the class paid five dollars, we would have fifty dollars to pay the end of the year party.
    10. Ben will win the election.
Adult Basic Education