
  • Science Alive!
    has been created to help YOU
    sponsor a Science Fair.
  • Science Alive!
    has been created
    to put science in its real context ––
    a context of urgent
    and interesting challenges
    and of opportunities that arise
    from the multicultural environment
    In which we live.

In his introductory chapter, "Getting
started," David Lloyd of Pangnirtung
offers advice on organizing Science
Fairs from the point of view of a north–
ern teacher who has done it ––and lived
to do it again!

Then, in the succeeding sections, we
present science activities in a northern
context. Wherever possible, we've
tried to come up with projects that are
linked to northern cultures and tradi–
tional knowledge, or to current northern.
priorities, or to both. We've also taken
pains to keep things simple, within the
grasp of a grade 4–7 student in a
northern community. Each section in–
cludes background information, a sam–
ple project described in detail, other
related project ideas, and a list of

There are hundreds of other possible
themes and projects. We hope that
these ideas will help you and your
students think of more.

Mayor funding for Science Alive! was
provided by Science Culture Canada, a

program of the federal government.

The N.W.T. Department of Education
made a much appreciated contribution
towards publication costs. We would
also like to thank the Baffin Divisional
Board of Education for "lending" David
to us for a week in the fall of 1987.

Many people, including those listed
below, assisted us with information,
ideas and advice. We are very grateful
to these people and to all the others
who helped in various ways.

  • Muriel Betsina, Yellowknife
  • George Blondin, Yellowknife
  • Bob Bromley, GNWT Renewable Resources
  • Gary Burke, Atmospheric Environment Services
  • Eric Bussey, Emergency Services
  • Raymond Chladny, Anuri Architects and Associates Ltd.
  • Vern Christensen, Municipal and Community Affairs).
  • Valda Clark, Mildred Hall Elementary I School, Yellowknife
  • Bill Coedy, Beringer Labs, Yellowknife
  • Jim Fennell, NWT Housing Corporation
  • Bob Ferguson, GNWT Renewable Resources
  • Brenda Hans, GNWT Renewable Resources
  • Chris Hanks, Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
  • Betty Harnum, GNWT Language Bureau
  • Lynette Harper, Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
  • Doug Heard, GNWT Renewable Resources