• Margy Gilmour, Yellowknife
  • Bruce Gunn, GNWT Municipal and
    Community Affairs
  • Lorne James, Pollution Control, Re–
    newable Resources
  • Don Kindt, GNWT Department of Edu–
  • Dave MacPherson, NWT Housing
  • Marlene Martin, GNVVT Language Bu–
  • Barbara Jo May, Public Library Ser–
  • Fred Norwegian, GNWT Language
  • Jim Peterson, GNWT Health
  • Brian Olding, Environment Canada,
    Inland Waters
  • David Sherstone, Indian and North–
    ern Affairs Canada
  • Kirstie Simpson, Environment Cana–
    da, Inland Waters

Thanks also to Robert Janes and
Laurie Nowakowski for their interest
and help.

"The month of March was science
oriented. The shop and science stor–
age areas were depleted. The hamlet
garage, nursing station and DPW made
material contributions. Our poster pa–
per is all gone… The library was raid–
ed of its science books."

"I swear the kids learned more science
from each other in the month of March
than in the rest of the year combined."

C. F. Whitfield, Principal
Helen Kalvak School
Holman Island
after the school's first
science fair