Opening Doors to Learning


Tutor Name:

Position Title:


Program Centre/ Location:


Total Number of Hours Worked:

Lawrence Finalyson

Literacy Facilitator

Level 5

La Ronge

Waden Bay Correctional Centre

127.5 hrs

Facilitator Final Report

My first class in the Justice Literacy Program in Waden Bay Correctional Centre was on January 22,2002. I started with four students. I gave them the Justice Literacy Indicator Test, which was prepared by the John Howard Society of Saskatchewan. The other test was the Graded Word List, which is from the Canadian Adult Reading Assessment Manual.

The Justice Literacy Program, which started on January 22, 2002, began with four students. From February 26,2002 to March 12, 2002, four more students joined the Opening Doors to Learning Program.