Opening Doors to Learning

By March 19, 2002, I was down to one student. The other two decided not to attend anymore classes. There was no more interest from the other inmates, in regards to taking the program. The other inmates, who were taking the program, had been released.

The Justice Literacy Indicator Test has a list of twenty words, which are very limited in learning legal terms. I had to resort to the Internet, in order to get a broader range of legal terms. The, published by Lloyd Duhaime of Victoria, B. C., has legal terms and definitions from A to Z. These words are more relevant and practical, in learning about the legal tenns as they relate to our Canadian Legal System.

The students had requested Internet access in the evenings, but due to restrictions and other factors this was not possible.

Overall, the Opening Doors to Learning, was successful, in tenns of learning the legal terms, English, and Math. The one student who started from his ABC's also progressed well in the class. He required more tutoring than the others, due to starting at the basic level, working to word patterns, and making new words.