A quality adult literacy program is aware of the resources and needs of the community in which it is located. It establishes and maintains links with various referral sources and community agencies as well as other relevant educational programs and organizations. It regularly reviews its community and organizational relationships.

a) The following conditions support the above statement. Please check those which apply to your program.

___ Program staff (including volunteers) are aware of the impact of socio-economic, cultural, political and educational conditions on the community(ies) served by the program.
___ Community needs are assessed regularly.
___ The program realistically and clearly defines the target population with whom it will work, based on community needs and program resources.
___ The program has developed and maintains links with various community social service agencies and referral sources as well as other educational programs in the community.
___ Representatives of community groups are invited to participate in staff and/or tutor training events as well as tutor and/or learner recognition events.
___ The program is a member of, or linked to other literacy organizations (local, provincial, national, international).
___ The program regularly reviews its community and organizational relationships.
___ Community members are represented on the Board if the program is independent of an institution.

b) Given your response(s) in (a), circle the number of the following statement which best applies to your program.

  1. Program meets at least seven of the above conditions.
  2. Program meets six of the above conditions.
  3. Program meets four or five of the above conditions.
  4. Program meets two or three of the above conditions.
  5. Program meets only one of the above conditions.

c) Given your response in (b), what steps could you realistically expect to accomplish within the next year to improve in this area?





d) What assistance will you require to accomplish the above?



