A quality adult literacy program operates from an identifiable and accessible location. It provides flexible time and place arrangements for instruction and facilitates access to other learning opportunities.

a) The following conditions support the above statement. Please check those which apply to your program.

___ Program has advertised telephone number and hours to receive calls.
___ Location of office and/or learning centre is near target population.
___ Facilities are accessible for physically handicapped learners and volunteers.
___ Facilities are served by public transportation where available.
___ Instruction is offered at flexible hours.
___ Instruction is offered in a variety of locales to suit learner(s) and tutor(s).
___ Opportunities exist to introduce learners to other learning experiences such as small group work and other programs as desired.

b) Given your response(s) in (a), circle the number of the following statement which best applies to your program.

  1. Program meets all of the above conditions.
  2. Program meets five or six of the above conditions.
  3. Program meets three or four of the above conditions.
  4. Program meets two of the above conditions.
  5. Program meets none of the above conditions.

c) Given your response in (b), what steps could you realistically expect to accomplish within the next year to improve in this area?





d) What assistance will you require to accomplish the above?



