A quality adult literacy program uses a wide variety of instructional materials appropriate for adults and consistent with the program's philosophy, as well as a wide variety of supplementary support and resource materials.

a) The following conditions support the above statement. Please check those which apply to your program.

___ A wide variety of "real life" instructional materials is used.
___ Materials are adult-oriented.
___ Materials are free of bias (sex, ethnic and age).
___ Materials are up-to-date.
___ Canadian content materials are present.
___ Materials encourage meaningful discussion and critical thinking.
___ Materials are easy to use.
___ Materials are attractive.
___ A wide variety of appropriate supplementary materials is available.
___ New purchases of materials are made as required.
___ The program produces its own materials - from learners and/or tutors.
___ Materials are reviewed regularly.

b) Given your response(s) in (a), circle the number of the following statement which best applies to your program.

  1. Program meets all of the above conditions.
  2. Program meets nine to twelve of the above conditions.
  3. Program meets five to eight of the above conditions.
  4. Program meets less than four of the above conditions.
  5. Program uses only a prescribed set of workbooks, readers or computer programs.

c) Given your response in (b), what steps could you realistically expect to accomplish within the next year to improve in this area?





d) What assistance will you require to accomplish the above?



