A quality adult literacy program engages in ongoing evaluation to assure program effectiveness and involves learners, tutors, staff and other interested parties in the process.

a) The following conditions support the above statement. Please check those which apply to your program.

___ Program annually assesses the extent to which learners have achieved their goals.
___ Results are compiled to show the progress made by learners still in the program and those who have "graduated".
___ Reasons for those who have dropped out are known.
___ Information is compiled on tutors' contributions to the program, their performance and willingness to continue.
___ Other necessary information to assess program performance is compiled from appropriate sources.
___ Learners' and tutors' opinions on the program are sought by appropriate means (e.g. questionnaires, interviews).
___ Annual review of all program operations (e.g. A to Q) is undertaken in a participatory process.
___ Results are analyzed and priorities for the next year are decided on.
___ Plans are made to seek the resources or make the adjustments necessary to implement the priorities.
___ Annual report produced and distributed to interested participants and community members.

b) Given your response(s) in (a), circle the number of the following statement which best applies to your program.

  1. Program meets all of the above conditions.
  2. Program meets eight or nine of the above conditions.
  3. Program meets five to seven of the above conditions.
  4. Program meets three or four of the above conditions.
  5. Program meets less than three of the above conditions.

c) Given your response in (b), what steps could you realistically expect to accomplish within the next year to improve in this area?





d) What assistance will you require to accomplish the above?



