
In a typical program month, how many hours of volunteer time is contributed to the program by paid staff?

  1. Coordinators/organizers
  2. Instructors
  3. Clerical/support

___ Hours

___ Hours

___ Hours


  1. How many initial tutor-training sessions are offered during a program year?
  2. How many volunteers are currently tutoring?

Of these:

  1. How many have been trained in this program year?
  2. How many were previously trained by the program?
  1. How many volunteers are trained and waiting to be matched with a learner?
  2. How many volunteers are waiting for training?








Indicate by a check mark how the tutors are used and estimate current percentage working in each category.

  1. one-to-one tutoring in matched pair(s)
  2. one-to-one tutoring on drop-in basis
  3. one to small group tutoring
  4. other (please specify)

___ %

___ %

___ %

___ %
Total 100%


  1. Indicate average number of hours of tutoring per month per learner in your program.
  2. How many volunteer hours per month are spent by volunteers on program tasks other than tutoring?

___ Hours

___ Hours



How many learners currently in the program:

  1. are being tutored?
  2. are waiting for service?

___ Male ___ Female ___ Total

___ Male ___ Female ___ Total